Ground Floor/182 Unwins Bridge Road St Peters, NSW 2044 For Rent | Ozhome
Ground Floor/182 Unwins Bridge Road St Peters, NSW 2044
Large One Bedroom with Separate Lounge
$400 Per Week



Property ID:  rental111118
Property Details
  • Property ID111118
  • StateNSW
  • CategoryApartment
  • SuburbSt Peters
  • Bedrooms1
  • StreetGround Floor/182 Unwins Bridge Road
  • Bathrooms1
  • BondN/A
  • Car Spaces-
  • Rent $400 Per Week
  • Available DateAvailable now
Large One Bedroom with Separate Lounge

To inspect this property, you must register your details. By registering you will be notified of inspection times once they are available and also any changes or cancellations of inspection times. To apply for this property please go to

This large one-bedroom flat is on the ground floor and is air conditioned with a good size lounge room, kitchen, bedroom with built in robe, timber floors throughout and an internal laundry. Convenient location to train station and shops.

- 12 Month Lease
- No Pets

  • Built in Robes
Inspection Times
    No times are currently scheduled
    Please register For updates Or contact the agent
Nearby Schools
Ground Floor/182 Unwins Bridge Road St Peters, NSW 2044
243 Rocky Point Road, SANS SOUCI, NSW, 2219
  • Daniel Martin
  • Patrick Honer
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